Winter has come to our version of Starry Night!
Art Boxes are painting kits that contain everything you need to make your own original piece of art! Our Art Box kits can be purchased with or without paintbrushes just in case you have your own. Every kit come with a worksheet that has a link to a video tutorial filmed by one of our awesome instructors; you can even purchase just the video if you have all your supplies!
All of our Art Boxes can be shipped anywhere in the United States. If you are a Phoenix area local, we also offer curbside pick up at our Scottsdale location on Friday or Saturday from 2-5pm. Orders placed after 2pm will be available the next pick up day.
Please note that the video for this Art Box is approximately 50 minutes long. Parts of the video are sped up to make the video more enjoyable for the viewer, so we recommend allocating extra time to complete your piece if you have a time frame you need to work in.